My life has always been about creativity. As a child, I went to art school, sang, danced, developed in all directions. I graduated from the University of Architecture in my hometown of Samara and planned to connect my life with architecture and design, but life turned to another path.
After my first trip abroad, in Barcelona, inspired, I began to draw portraits for fun and share it on social networks. Quite quickly I started getting commissions and when they piled up I decided to leave the architectural office where I was working at that time, which, I must admit, I did not like wholeheartedly. That is how I earned a trip to Barça for three months, for it was my dream to live there. It didn't work out with Spain, but that same year I moved to Moscow.
I built my life from scratch, having 100 thousand rubles in my account for the first time. I made a website, found a sweatshirt factory, and started selling them with my illustrations. My clothes went around the world, which made me happy, like a child.
At the same time, I was developing my artistic skills, I tried all kinds of materials and finally settled on oil painting. That's when the search for my style and subject matter began. There were all kinds of things, from portraits, animals, nature, subjects and urban art - I painted absolutely everything!
Interestingly enough, I had a similar path in photography, I've been shooting since my parents gave me a Canon 450D when I enrolled in Architecture. I had architecture, people, nature, animals in my lens. I traveled a lot and from each trip, I took amazing shots that went viral on Instagram and publishers. After arriving in Bali, I started taking food photos and created an Instagram Guide to vegan food on the island, just because there was no such thing and I was really high on taking beautiful food shots, I then started collaborating with restaurants and making content for them. At some point I wanted to go further and try shooting people, I bought a camera, and let's go! My head was exploding with ideas that I started to put into action and then orders came pouring in.
At the moment in my work, I am focusing on the human being, his lines, his form, his hands, the aesthetics of his body, and his emotions. My paintings and photographs have come together and become an extension of my gaze.